#delight A three-dimensional book of underwater creatures and places A brand book showing the "healthyish" transition from Stan's Donuts to Ina's (Vegan) Donuts Building trust and instilling confidence in county government Line Plane Volume Mapping the human stories of the Sunrise Movement, Chicago Designed an end-to-end visitor experience and strategy to enable the CCAO to safely open its doors Experiments from Generative Design Workshop Dialing the Sense of Control in Retired Life Using movement to convey dynamic content Communication methods to accelerate synthesis and give tangible form to valuable information Helping empower organizations in Chicago determine how they can implement the My Brother’s Keeper Action Plan Built around USAID's global development lab Long-term saving assistant for gig workers A visualization of sexual violence in Chicago neighborhoods, January - December 2019 A transitional object to give children space to voice their feelings & parents insight into their child's moods in difficult situations A relief to indy driver's financial issues Reimagined iconic artworks portray a reality that many queer individuals live everyday Product Design, Craft, and Storytelling Bringing joy, inspiration and gratitude to our Kaplan Studio