SAUVVI, Part 1
Envisioning a user interface for an energy efficient semi-autonomous vehicle
Faculty Leads:
Tomoko Ichikawa
Zach Pino
Research Assistant:
Paolo Tanedo
Project sponsor/partner:
Baisravan HomChaudhuri (MMAE)
Faculty Research
Project Team:
Kie Ichikawa
Noah Keppers
Sue Kim
Shinichiro Kuwahara
Yutian Sun
Yun Yang
Imagine that before there can be a world of autonomous vehicles and driverless cities, there will be a transition period where roads will be mixed with manual, semi-automated and automated vehicles. Semi-autonomous vehicles assume a relationship between the car and the driver where the driver is still required to take some action while the car can take on a multitude of tasks. Moreover, in a driving context where the goal is energy efficiency, the specifics of the driver response becomes important.
This project—funded by IIT/WISER—aims to develop visual interfaces for the driver in such a vehicle. The team has thus far sketched, prototyped, and translated the interfaces into a coded representation driven by data. The simulation rig, designed for testing is 80% complete. Systems testing is underway. Due to the Covid-19 interruption, this project will continue in Fall 2020. We look forward to welcoming you to take it for a test drive then.