Small Data

Experiments from Generative Design Workshop

Faculty Lead:

Zach Pino

Generative Design Workshop

Xuanyu Chen
Zeya Chen
Todd Cooke
Jesse Gao
Audrey Gordon
Grace Hanford
Hugo Hsiao
Kie Ichikawa
Sanya Karwani
Yuta Katuyama
Jessica Nelson
Mithila Kedambadi Prasanna
Adithya Ravi
Jason Romano
Jiani Sapathy
Catherine Wieczorek
Kelvin Yu


Mend by Audrey Gordon

Mend by Audrey Gordon

The combination of the quantified self movement, generative design tools, and digital fabrication as a service for fulfillment and delivery has created new opportunities for contemporary designers to create personal products with personal data. We hear so often about the power of "Big Data" in design, but these 16 projects — inspired by the the data visualization works of Knut Synstad, Adrien Segal, Georgia Lupi, Stefanie Posavec, and many other generative designers — instead aim to activate "Small Data," datasets that are highly targeted, hand-logged, specific, or might be interpretable by only a single person.

These physicalized data objects aspire to reveal invisible patterns in behavior, and aim to support a newly empowered sculpting of the self — facilitated by informed data-gathering, intentionally legible and illegible data-visualization, and aesthetic provocation.


Mend by Audrey Gordon

Σὀνοτὐπος - Our Sonic Impressions by Adi Ravi

Comprehensive Universe of Patents 1850–2014 by Catherine Wieczorek

Class F by Catherine Wieczorek


Friendship by Huge Hsiao

Time well spent? by Jason Romano

In our feelings. by Jiani Sapathy


Family Sakura by Kie Ichikawa

Kyoto Sakura by Kie Ichikawa

Wasted Food Clips by Kelvin Yu

Minesweeper Brought to You By Women by Mithila Kedambadi


Minesweeper Brought to You By Women by Mithila Kedambadi

COVID-19 Memories by Sanya Karwani

FootPrint by Jesse Gao


Generative Masks by Zeya Chen

Unwind by Jessica Nelson

Generative Personalized Nutrition Gummies by Yuta Katsuyama

.wav by Xuanyu Chen

.wav by Xuanyu Chen

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Adaptive Housing by Todd Cooke

Adaptive Housing by Todd Cooke

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