Yahoo Space


Visual communication tool based on Yahoo mail system

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Visual communication tool based on Yahoo mail system

Visual communication tool based on Yahoo mail system

Yahoo Space

Visual communication tool based on Yahoo mail system


Yahoo Space is a visual communication platform embedded in the Yahoo mail system that helps small groups (families and close friends) plan around social activities with ease and joy.

People love visual content, so much so that photo/video-based communication platforms have over taken text-based email communication. However, as a channel, email is still a backbone for information such as shopping, travel and finance. Compared with other communication tools, it is difficult to spread and share emails to plan and make decisions. Therefore, our team set out to expand the use of email to assist decision making and manage complex activities for family and friends.

Yahoo Space provides a virtual living room that supports a light and visualized communication experience, bringing values of saving time and energy, enhancing engagement, as well as strengthening relationships.

Yahoo Space supports the planning process and decision making with features of to-do lists, visualized schedules and voting. With smart suggestions on content, Yahoo Space assists in efficient collaboration. To engage a diversity of communication methods, Yahoo Space syncs with other communication platforms such as iMessage and WhatsApp.


Designers : Jiafeng Zhu, Joanna Zhou, Sue Kim

Course : IDX 524 Interaction Design Workshop

Instructors : Jennifer Levin, JoEllen Kames

Project Partner : Yahoo