

Facilitating social interaction, networking, and collaboration during the onboarding process

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Facilitating social interaction, networking, and collaboration during the onboarding process

Facilitating social interaction, networking, and collaboration during the onboarding process


Facilitating social interaction, networking, and collaboration during the onboarding process.


Preeby makes onboarding new employees a more integrative and enjoyable experience that facilitates networking, socialization and collaboration among teams in a hybrid work setting.

Through sponsorship with NEC, we conducted multiple research methods including interviews, secondary research, and a survey to collect data about the current experiences in onboarding and hybrid working environments. Based on our insights, we created a physical and digital solution that uses AI to help new hires at a company easily connect and engage with other employees so that the first week of working at a new company is not isolating and overwhelming.

Preeby comes as a personal tablet that circulates between new hires throughout organizations. This allows for portability for new hires to bring Preeby home with them if they plan to work in a hybrid arrangement. Preeby has its own dashboard that easily facilitates building connections, collaboration, and encouraging feedback.


The Space Between : Although there are products on the market that address the onboarding process, we believe Preeby disrupts the space by combining the physical and digital to focus on human connection.

Designers : Sandhini Ghodeshwar, Sami Cohanim, Yong Hee Yoo, Kavya Rai

Course : Multidisciplinary Prototyping

Instructors : Anijo Mathew

Project Partner : NEC