A Feminist Future
A Feminist Future
Termination of Contract of Conjoint Offspring Generation
Faculty Lead:
Laura Forlano
Designing Futures
Project Team:
Ananya Garg
Diane H Wee
Yueyue Yang
In an alternative future where humanity has delegated reproduction and pregnancy to technology in an attempt to neutralize differences, but also at some level leave, the more important things for humans to do. It was clear that even though the obvious narratives suggested that pregnancy shouldn’t be discriminated against, societal practices were vastly different and contradictory. Not only are there practices of discrimination, but also not enough credit to the altruism of pregnancy. We tried to explore how the human tendency to use technology to fix things could come into play and what this world would look like where humans, yet again, regret the creation of a monstrosity-credit technology.
“This project allowed for a rich and lengthy discussion revolving around an expansive topic area. Although there may have been moments where we weren’t able to be critical about all the critical theories we’ve come across, the variety of theories, concepts, ideas, and alternative ways to look at the real world that were covered as the three of us collectively performed research was substantial in both amount and meaningfulness. In addition to the topics that are introduced in section five, subjects we looked into and/or discussed include, but are not limited to: ecology and female body, technology for in-vitro fertilization and only that, abortion in this world human vs non-human fetus, and posthumanism biology’s definition of sex and gender.”
— Ananya Garg