Cultish Idols

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Cultish Idols

An object of proclamation divinity intended for socio-cultural critique

Faculty Lead:
Laura Forlano

Teaching Assistant:
Hendriana Werdhaningsih

Designing Futures

Adithya Ravi


An object of divinity that reflects our increasingly narcissistic culture and the possibility of that culture becoming a religious affliction. This piece speculates an arguably present future in which faith and belief have decayed into fetishes of narcissism and worship of the self. Social media platforms serve as these sublime objects now. Are we more aware of that reality when we construct a “divine” object and place it in a shrine? This project became the genesis of a very necessary conversation for myself with fellow members at ID. It became a symbol of not just the critique that I intended to deliver but also the very fundamental stem for the growth of my own faith.