Learning House
Learning House
Building an experience that encourages a lifetime love of learning
Faculty Lead:
Max Shapiro
Design Planning Workshop
Project Team:
Lavanya Julaniya
Hongpyo Kim
Jeffrey Spetter
In this design planning workshop, we learned to use Vijay Kumar's 101 Design Methods, performed ethnographic research, and employed other design frameworks to develop a service system encouraging a lifelong love for learning. We called it Learning House, and it is centered on the provision of an AI-powered personal learning assistant. The service assists people to love learning new concepts and skills while driving purposeful growth.
In addition to offering the personal learning assistant, Learning House gives access to professional lectures, job shadowing, and internship opportunities. It also offers guidance through a yearlong personal project pathway to hone a talent, skill, or cause from an academic domain.
“This project was larger in scope than any that I had encountered thus far in design school. Traditional models of education tend not to inspire a love of learning or incentivize continued learning throughout a lifetime. It was a very ambitious project to design a service committed to helping people to fall in love with something they had grown to dislike. I was amazed at how far this project evolved from beginning to end.”
— Lavanya Julaniya