Why Don't You Trust Me?

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Why Don't You Trust Me?

Speculative object that provokes reflection on interaction and culture

Faculty Lead:
Laura Forlano

Teaching Assistant:
Hendriana Werdhaningsih

Designing Futures

Adithya Ravi


Artifact from a particular future in a particular domain of emerging technology and/or social issues (race, class, gender, sexuality, disability, multi-species) that supports, includes, and imagines space for a particular community that articulates alternative possible futures. The groups of students developed these experiences through editorial, story or narrative, mapping or visualization, object, probe or prototype, performance or experience, audio, video, or interaction. Use one or more of the following methods: Design fiction (Bleecker), critical design, critical making (Ratto), speculative design (Dunne & Raby), speculative fabulation (Haraway), experiential futures (Candy), Afrofuturism. Invisible labor & work, co-living with multi-species, Afrofuturism & race, time & temporality, and queer nature/culture. 

Make a 20-minute presentation/experience/engagement with 10 visually compelling slides summarising your key arguments and design intervention.